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Everything is made of energy. Energy Medicine (EM) is a broad term used for tools, or practices, used to enhance our Luminous Energy Fields (LEF).


We are as much energetic beings as we are physical beings. Like our physical body, our energetic body can experience "wear and tear." Energy Medicine helps to balance, cleanse, and heal our body on an energetic level.


Dr. Theresa Pigott



About Energy Medicine

We all have a Luminous Energy Field (LEF) which is the essence or soul of our being. It surrounds our physical body and holds an imprint of our physical, emotional, and spiritual history. 


These imprints, held in our energy centers or Chakras, are affected by issues never resolved, regrets, and unrealized dreams. They may be toxic and can be released with Energy Medicine techniques. This can be done in person or remotely.

Heal on a deeper level

Combining these remarkable techniques results in astounding life transformations. Self-growth and awareness are the stepping stones to having your life's dreams fulfilled, along with vibrant health. You will also experience a deeper connection to self, others, including Mother Earth and God.

Image by Karly Jones
The techniques of Energy Medicine

Illumination - cleanses the seven energy centers (Chakras) and helps remove imprints in the LEF (luminous energy field).  This very relaxing process is the core of energy medicine tools.


Extraction Work - removes any stagnant energy in the form of solid, crystallized, or fluid entities.  Things that are no longer helpful to you and have become an energy drain physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally are eliminated.


Cord Cutting - energetically removes an unwanted and unhealthy connection to a person who is alive or passed on and who has become a drain or energy vampire.


Soul Retrieval - is necessary when a part of us splinters off during the time of trauma or following a threat to our survival.  Integrating this piece allows for healing and wholeness.


Bands of Power - were handed down to me by my teachers.  I am honored to install these for you to provide safety and protection.


Shamanic Journey - is a process where you are guided to the upper, middle, or lower world to receive visions, which hold personal meaning and interpretation for yourself.  The use of a drum or rattle helps you travel beyond this dimension to be guided and bring resolution to a situation or intention you bring to the journey.

Image by Conscious Design
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